
Sunday 21 August 2011

Alice Springs Waste Stabilisation Ponds

Spent a lovely late afternoon at the ASWSP with my youngest son. I think he enjoyed himself for the most part as he hardly took breath for the 2 hours we meandered around, bird watching. He did nearly succumb to the fumes on the northern side though, but even this didn't dampen his enthusiasm. He saw a few firsts, orange chats, black-tailed native hens and he got to meet Chris Watson (see his website here) who was also wandering around. The birds weren't as plentiful as earlier in the year, but there was still enough to keep us both amused and enthralled. The fairy martins and some whiskered and gull-billed terns were fairly prolific, and the masked lapwings kept us on our toes. There were quite a few ducks and grebes, swans and dotterels. Below is a sample of some of the sights and birds:

Little Corella

Pacific Black Duck

Reflections 1

Orange Chats

Black-winged Stilt and Red-kneed Dotterel

Reflections 2

Reflections 3

Masked Lapwing

Willie Wagtail

Guessing these are all Torresian Crows, this was the second major massing we saw in the afternoon

White-faced Heron

Black Swan

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