
Friday 22 July 2011

Corroboree Rock - Honeyeaters and a wonderful Hooded Robin

Corroboree Rock is about 50 kms east of Alice Springs along the Ross River Highway. Currently, the flowering gums are everywhere, and, so are the honeyeaters. Spiny-cheeked, Singing, Brown, Grey-headed and White-plumed honeyeaters are everywhere around the walk around the rock itself. It is an easy walk, but when there are so many birds, the 15 minute walk can take a lot longer. Along the creek-line is the main action, but the flowers and therefore birds are pretty much the whole way around. With the wonderful rain we've had, the birds have all been mating and there is an abundance of insistent youngsters all demanding their food from their parents.
These are the main flowers the honeyeaters were feeding around:
One of the busiest and noisiest was the brown honeyeater. To my delight, there were a few young ones around, and I can't recall taking a photo of a young one before:
The Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater was also fairly noisy, and even managed to find time to check out the surroundings with a Black-faced Woodswallow:
Grey-headed Honeyeaters were the "fluttering" birds I could hear constantly, normally only seen through the gaps in the branches and leaves, but this one sat long enough for a half-decent photo:
But by far the most enjoyable experience was the Hooded Robin that came and foraged right near the table under the trees on the path to the right as you face the rock. Obviously quite used to people, I could have held out my hand for him to hop onto at one point. I felt quite privileged to have him go about his foraging without worrying too much about me or the camera:

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