Notes to readers of this Blog


Thank you for dropping by to check out my blog. You will see a lot of other Blogs about birds I follow down the left hand side. I strongly encourage you to check some of these out as well, they are entertaining and I love to see birds from all over the world, I hope you do too.

2012 Bird Photos - 286 species


Australasian Darter

Australasian Figbird

Australasian Grebe

Australasian Pipit

Australian Bustard

Australian Hobby

Australian King Parrot

Australian Magpie

Australian Owlet-nightjar

Australian Pelican

Australian Pied Oystercatcher

Australian Pratincole

Australian Raven

Australian Reed Warbler

Australian Spotted Crake

Australian White Ibis

Australian Wood Duck

Azure Kingfisher

Bar-breasted Honeyeater

Barking Owl

Barn Owl

Bar-shouldered Dove

Bar-tailed Godwit

Black Falcon

Black Honeyeater

Black Kite

Black Swan

Black-breasted Buzzard

Black-chinned Honeyeater

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike

Black-faced Woodswallow

 Black-fronted Dotterel

Black-necked Stork (Jabiru)

Black-shouldered Kite

Black-tailed Godwit

Black-tailed Native Hen

Black-tailed Treecreeper

Black-winged Stilt

Blue Bonnet

Blue-faced Honeyeater

Blue-winged Kookaburra

Broad-billed Flycatcher


Brown Falcon

Brown Goshawk

Brown Honeyeater

Brown Quail

Brown Songlark

Brown Thornbill


Buff-banded Rail

Bush Stone-curlew

Cape Barren Goose

Caspian Tern

Cattle Egret

Channel-billed Cuckoo

Chestnut Teal

Chestnut-breasted Mannikan

Chestnut-rumped Thornbill

Chiming Wedgebill

Cinnamon Quail-thrush


Collared Sparrowhawk

Comb-crested Jacana

Common Blackbird

Common Bronzewing

Common Myna

Common Sandpiper

Common Starling

Crested Bellbird

Crested Pigeon

Crested Tern

Crimson Chat

Crimson Finch

Diamond Dove


Double-barred Finch

Dusky Grasswren

Dusky Moorhen

Dusky Woodswallow

Eastern Curlew

Eastern Rosella

Eastern Spinebill

Eastern Yellow Robin


Eurasian Coot

European Goldfinch

Fairy Martin

Flock Bronzewing

Forest Kingfisher


Glossy Ibis

Golden Whistler

Golden-headed Cisticola

Great Bowerbird

Great Cormorant

Great Crested Grebe

Great Egret

Green Pygmy-goose

Green-backed Gerygone

Grey Butcherbird

Grey Currawong

Grey Fantail

Grey Honeyeater

Grey Shrike-thrush

Grey Teal

Grey Whistler

Grey-crowned Babbler

Grey-fronted Honeyeater

Grey-headed Honeyeater

Ground Cuckoo-shrike

Gull-billed Tern


Helmeted Friarbird

Hoary-headed Grebe

Hooded Plover

Hooded Robin

Horsfields Bronze Cuckoo

Horsfields Bushlark

House Sparrow

Inland Thornbill

Intermediate Egret

Jacky Winter

Kelp Gull

Laughing Kookaburra

Leaden Flycatcher

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher

Little Black Cormorant

Little Bronze-Cuckoo

Little Corella

Little Crow

Little Eagle

Little Egret

Little Friarbird

Little Grassbird

Little Penguin

Little Pied Cormorant

Little Shrike-thrush

Little Wattlebird

Little Woodswallow

Long-billed Corella

Long-tailed Finch

Magpie Goose


Major Mitchell's Cockatoo

Masked Finch

Masked Lapwing

Masked Woodswallow


Mulga Parrot

Musk Lorikeet
Nankeen Kestrel

Nankeen Night Heron

New Holland Honeyeater

Noisy Minor

Northern Fantail

Northern Rosella

Olive-backed Oriole

Orange Chat

Orange-footed Scrubfowl

Pacific Black Duck

Pacific Gull

Painted Finch

Pallid Cuckoo

Paperbark Flycatcher

Peaceful Dove

Peregrine Falcon

Pheasant Coucal

Pictorella Mannikan

Pied Butcherbird

Pied Cormorant

Pied Heron

Pied Honeyeater

Pink-eared Duck

Plumed Whistling Duck

Purple-crowned Fairy-wren

Port Lincoln Parrot

Purple Swamphen

Radjah Shelduck

Rainbow Bee-eater

Rainbow Lorikeet

Red Wattlebird

Red-backed Fairy-wren

Red-backed Kingfisher

Red-browed Finch

Red-browed Pardalote

Red-capped Plover

Red-capped Robin

Red-headed Honeyeater

Red-kneed Dotterel

Red-necked Avocet

Red-tailed Black Cockatoo

Red-winged Parrot

Royal Spoonbill

Rufous Songlark

Rufous Whistler

Rufous-banded Honeyeater

Rufous-throated Honeyeater

Sacred Kingfisher


Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

Shining Flycatcher

Short-tailed Shearwater

Silver Gull

Silver-crowned Friarbird


Singing Honeyeater

Sooty Oystercatcher

Southern Boobook

Southern Whiteface

Spangled Drongo

Spinifex Pigeon

Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater

Splendid Fairy-wren

Spotted Dove

Spotted Harrier

Straw-necked Ibis

Striated Heron

Striated Pardalote

Stubble Quail

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Superb Fairy-wren

Swamp Harrier

Tawny Frogmouth

Torresian Crow

Torresian Imperial-Pigeon

Tree Martin

Varied Lorikeet

Varied Sittella

Varied Triller

Variegated Fairy-wren

Wandering Whistling Duck

Wedge-tailed Eagle


Welcome Swallow

Western Bowerbird

Western Gerygone

Whiskered Tern

Whistling Kite

White-backed Swallow

White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike

White-bellied Sea-eagle

White-breasted Woodswallow

White-browed Babbler

White-browed Scrubwren

White-eared Honeyeater

White-faced Heron

White-fronted Chat

White-fronted Honeyeater

White-gaped Honeyeater

White-necked Heron

White-plumed Honeyeater

White-throated Honeyeater

White-winged Fairy-wren

White-winged Triller

Willie Wagtail

Wood Sandpiper

Yellow Oriole

Yellow-billed Spoonbill

Yellow-rumped Thornbill

Yellow-tinted Honeyeater

Yellow-throated Miner

Zebra Finch