
Monday 11 April 2016

Star Finch was the star amongst a plethora of others at Timber Creek

There are some birding moments that happen when you least expect it for particular birds. Of course they have wings and can move around. I had already been to a few "certainty" spots around Timber Creek, without a sighting, without a "peep". I decided to give up. It was "crotch-pot pudding" hot, around 40 degrees with pretty high humidity. I thought that I would probably prefer to find some air-conditioned accommodation as the night before in the swag had been unbearably sweaty and resulted in little sleep. I saw a sign for "Self-contained Cabins" and decided to follow the signs. Well, sign. The only one I saw was the one on the highway. I followed the road all the way around until I was almost back to the highway again when I spotted a very yellowy puddle by the side of the road. There was a bit of shade to sit under so I grabbed the chair, the water bottle and the camera.

After a couple of minutes I heard some bird noises, then more, until there was a chorus. It had probably been there before I pulled up and was just getting used to my presence. I hoped for my target, but wasn't confident. Silly me. Providence provides!

There it was. A Star Finch. Resplendent with bright red head, dull green back, white spots across the neck and down the front to a yellow tummy. It had perched in a bush above the water. I waited. It gave a quick flick of its tail. Oh no, a Brown Honeyeater had come down to the water. I thought my chances of seeing the Star Finch had been a wonderful, but very brief encounter. To my surprise it stayed where it was. The Brown Honeyeater eventually flitted off up to a nearby tree. Again I waited. Finally, the bird I was waiting for came down on to the far rocks. It constantly moved its head in all directions, watching for dangers. Then, it became more confident its safety was assured and moved down to the water, this time hopping slowly, carefully picking its path across the rocks until finally it stopped for a drink. Normally finches fly off quickly, but this finch didn't. It stood there, and then sped back up to its bush perch. After sitting in the shade for about a minute, a peep came from somewhere behind me and it flew off across the road.

Star Finch

There were a number of other birds at this little puddle. Here are a few shots of them.

Leaden Flycatcher

Peaceful Dove

Yellow-tinted Honeyeater

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