
Friday 15 April 2016

Longreach Waterhole near Elliott, waterbirds and birds of prey

This area is one of the jewels of the Territory. Following a dirt track for 11 kms off the Stuart Highway just north of Elliott, the scrub opens out onto a vast expanse of water, teeming with fish and birds.

Camping overnight is worth the wait for the morning. Whistling Kites call before the sun rises, the herons, egrets and ibis croak in the still morning air, and cormorants and pelicans frequent this haven in their thousands. Honeyeaters, pardalotes, crows, Apostlebirds ... the list goes on of birds around the shoreline.

Elliott is half way between Alice Springs and Darwin, and Longreach Waterhole is the perfect place for a stop-over. You may end up staying longer than you thought.

Here are a few photos from my recent stay.

Pied Heron

Nankeen Night Heron

White-necked or Pacific Heron

Australian White Ibis

Glossy Ibis

Straw-necked Ibis

Australian Pelican

Australasian Darter

Intermediate Egret

Little Black Cormorants

Black Kite

Brown Falcon

Whistling Kite

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