
Wednesday 14 October 2015

Black-breasted Buzzard family - and baby makes 4?

The Black-breasted Buzzard pair (in the Todd River south of Alice Springs) are happily raising their fast-growing chick.

Over the past couple of visits, I have noticed the male (on the right of the nest pictured above) peering down into the nest. I am wondering if another chick has hatched, or soon to hatch. I haven't heard any "second" chick begging noises, so it is only the behaviour of the adult male which is suggesting an addition to the family.

The first chick as you can see is now easily seen within the nest. there is a little bit of dark colour now starting to appear visible on its back and wing area, and the face colours are just starting to change.

There is still a lot of copulation occuring, whether this is just bonding or an insurance policy for more egg-laying I'm not sure. It will be interesting to monitor this behaviour if another chick hatches. Will the copulation continue beyond a second chick?

The female is still fairly vocal, although noticeably quieter and less frequent over the past couple of visits. it is almost as though the urgency she had a short time ago has been reduced. again, without knowing a lot about research into the BBBs, I'm not sure if this is related to the possible or probable next hatchling.

The family is still very enjoyable to observe. They are still pretty relaxed about my presence, or anyone else's as I have taken both my boys down to the nest, have met a friend down there a few times as well as others coming past having a gander. I suppose having the nest so high in the tree makes them feel fairly comfortable I'm unlikely to be able to get up there and disturb them.

Here is a collection of photos from the past few days.

Female landing on nearby roost


female with Rainbow Bee-eater prey

More family photos, male on left

female landing on stick

female leaving nest

female flying