
Thursday 19 February 2015

Red-backed Kingfisher with breakfast, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Mistletoebird and a strange couple

I took these photos this morning at Haasts Bluff of a Red-backed Kingfisher eating a large green insect.

Red-backed Kingfisher

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike


Unfortunately this photo isn't very good quality as it was almost dark when I took the shot. I had seen two Common Bronzewings fly in to a large watercourse, and followed one of them to the opposite bank from where I was sitting. I put the camera up to my eye and noticed a second bird sitting above the Bronzewing. I am fairly sure it is a Spotted Harrier, but the light wasn't good enough for a decent ID

1 comment:

  1. These Red-backed Kingfisher images are perfect and you had done great job. Yeah you know very well that how to click wonderful photos. I must say that you are a good Port Macquarie Photographer. All the best for your future!
