
Monday 28 July 2014

Redthroats, Splendid Fairy-wrens, Red-capped Robins and Yellow-rumped Thornbills

Yesterday morning was quite chilly and it took the birds about 30 minutes after the sunrise to start warming up. The Horsfields Bronze-cuckoo and Pallid Cuckoo were in full voice, and the Australian Ringneck and Mulga Parrots could be heard in the valleys. But it was a family of Redthroats that made the morning. I had seen them at a distance in a particular area, and left them alone for a little while, but returned before I jumped back in the car.

At first I could see the male, scampering around the bushes, lots of twigs in the way for any decent photos. Then I saw some of the juveniles in the same spot, who then hopped around into the sun to warm up. I got as close as I could without disturbing them, the sun at my back. Having seen these birds only a few times, I wanted to sit and watch for a little while. The younger ones didn't seem too fussed by my presence and continued to preen themselves on a low, exposed branch. Eventually the male adult returned with some food, then zoomed off. It think the adult female was sitting further in the bush, but keeping an eye out for me and anything else that could potentially pose a threat.


A Splendid Fairy-wren male hopped into the tree above me, and I took the first shot, then after a little flit here and there, flew down to the ground not far in front of me and started ferreting for food.

Splendid Fairy-wren

A female Red-capped Robin provided a little entertainment as it too perched, flew down for something then perched again although in a different spot. The male kept its distance. A little later, the female decided the Pallid cuckoo really shouldn't be so close to their home.

The Yellow-rumped Thornbills were quite numerous and quite noisy. Eventually they too came close enough for a photo
Yellow-rumped Thornbill

1 comment:

  1. Great collection of small birds, envious!
    "Redthroats" huh? - never 'eard of 'em. Honestly you just make stuff up sometimes ;)
