
Wednesday 7 May 2014

Hooded and Red-capped Robin photos

I've been very lucky to have some close-up action from the Robins. The Hooded Robins are quite a lot bigger than the Red-capped Robins, and today I heard them make sounds a bit like parrots as the younger ones chased each other through the mulga scrub. I hadn't heard that before, and wonder what range of noises they really have. I often wonder about the noises small birds make, quite often they are not dissimilar from the natural noises of the surrounding bush.

Anyway, it is difficult to choose the photos as when I am as close as I have been over the past few days, there are many wonderful close-up opportunities, but I've scaled the photos back to 4 for each. The Hooded Robins were even more compliant than the Red-capped Robins so I'll start with them:

Hooded Robin

Red-capped Robin


  1. I love being in a place where these guys are around. Great shots Rich. The calls haven't stuck in my head though I'm afraid. My striking memory of a Hooded was when one appeared to accompany me for a 400m walk back to the car once. Happy days!
    PS My "Hobart post" was the result of hitting a wrong button before the thing was ready.

    1. Thanks Pete, we've had heaps of rain and with the cooler weather here now all the little birds seem to be out and playing nice for a change. Hobart Post ..... waiting .... waiting.

  2. the robins are one of my favourites - gosh there's so many 'favourites' .... the Red-capped Robins certainly grab your attention don't they?

    1. Thanks Carole, the reds are certainly more colourful, and generally I'd agree, but when there are 6 juvenile/female Hooded Robins around and only 1 male they are fighting over, or that's what it seemed, he didn't seem to care, then the Hoodeds certainly had my attention more than the red-capped's today. Appreciate your comments. Regards, Richard
