
Friday 20 December 2013

Gang Gang Cockatoos at Halls Gap

I have always been a little bit jealous of Pete Shanley's photos of the Gang Gang Cockatoos. I think especially in his post here. Finally I have some photos of Gang Gangs which are not from 500 metres away I can legitimately call my own.

We have called in to Halls Gap on our way to Melbourne for the regular festive season visit. As much as we are looking forward to seeing all the relatives again very soon, it is nice to have a relaxing few days just as our small family unit. We have managed to get to stay at Halls Gap before the crowds of Christmas-New Year's revellers so it is peaceful EXCEPT for the billions of Cicadas that fill the air in the valley.One advantage of this is the Gang Gangs seem to think the cicadas are a delicacy so they are also here in large numbers.

The males have a lovely red crest on its head, and the feathers on the body are a grey base with little white ends, and there are some greenish tinges on the wings among the grey feathers. Quite a stunning bird.

Although the females don't have the loud head-dress, they have a beautiful, subtle set of colours on their front.

They are fairly quiet bird compared to some of the other Cockatoo family, and seem to group in 2s or 3s rather than the large flocks of say the Red-tailed Black Cockatoos. Anyway, very happy to have finally secured some good photos - here they are.

Gang Gang Cockatoo


  1. Beautiful pictures, Richard. Congratulations. I saw Gang Gangs about 20 years ago on a misty dull Victorian day. My photos were poor so I know that club. It is a still a fine memory though.These are very fine.

  2. wow they are beautiful and your photos do their beauty justice! I haven't ever seen a photo of the females before, looks like it was a great trip.
