
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Docker River Zebra Finches, Cockatiels, Crested Pigeons, Nankeen Kestrels and others

My last week staying in Docker River this week and the birds continue to flock to waterholes, water treatment plant and the roadside. I had just made some adjustments to my camera settings when a female Zebra Finch checked me out by the road. I think she was so close I could possibly have taken one of the shots with a polaroid camera and still had similar results.

Zebra Finch

and either a young or dirty male

The Cockatiels were back around the community and at the waterhole nearby. Gregarious and colourful, what is there not to like about Cockatiels? I can't think of anything.


I really liked these two shots of Crested Pigeons with the first one in focus, and then the middle one in focus. If they weren't so common around Australia they would surely be much sought after for photographic subjects with that eye, the crest, and the beautiful colours in their wings.

Crested Pigeons

I took a couple of work colleagues out to the waterhole late this afternoon and on the way back asked them to stop as I had seen something unusual. Figured with them there then I might have a chance of surviving a snake bite so headed off into the scrub to get close to a family of Nankeen Kestrels. I had seen one of the adults fly off but there was still another adult looking after 3 young kestrels.

Nankeen Kestrels

also saw some Budgerigars at the waterhole

and Little Corellas

and there were some Sharp-tailed Sandpipers at the water treatment ponds

and these last two shots of the Whiskered Tern aren't great shots of the bird, but I really liked the shadows

1 comment:

  1. again, it's the budgerigars in the wild that take my eye; one is really venturing well into the water too
