
Saturday 10 August 2013

Honeyeaters, Chats and Ducks not to mention the wildflowers around Areyonga

As the weather heats up around Central Australia (could we have seen the last of winter?), the trees are starting to flower, the wildflowers are out in force, and the honeyeaters are turning up in flocks.

The Black Honeyeaters and the Pied Honeyeaters are quite similar to look at from a distance, and they both have high pitched piping sounds. I managed to get quite close to some Pied Honeyeaters at Papunya a little while ago, but the Black Honeyeaters have been too shy until now. Finally a couple of them showed their favourite perch and I squatted under a prickly shrub, getting harassed by normal flies and what I call Donkey Flies (as opposed to horse flies as they are huge, they bite, and there are a lot of donkeys around Areyonga). I waited for about half an hour, watching which branch it normally landed on, and then positioned the camera, waiting. Eventually it returned and started behind one of the branches, and then hopped out obligingly onto an exposed branch. I was pretty happy with the results.

Black Honeyeater

As I mentioned, the Pied Honeyeaters were also out in force

Pied Honeyeater

and a Brown Honeyeater

Crimson Chats are a constant noise around the ground and shrubs near the wildflowers
Crimson Chat

Areyonga has a very well maintained Water Treatment Plant area and the ducks have been slowly building in number over the past couple of weeks. Grey Teals, Pacific Black Ducks, Hardheads and Australasian Grebe have all been there this week as previously, but the new arrivals, the Pink-eared Ducks displayed the best plumage and activity nearest the camera.

Pink-eared Duck

But by far the most impressive sight near Areyonga at the moment is the wildflowers. Here is a sample:

1 comment:

  1. Has it been a while?
    A great collection of photos you must be very pleased with Rich!
    Those black & pied honeyeaters are pretty cool looking birds.
    And then there's the chat
    And very nice shots of Pink-eared duck!

    and some flowers
