
Sunday 4 November 2012

Black-breasted Buzzard immature in nest - photos and video

I saw this Black-breasted Buzzard on the Mereenie Loop Road last week. The first time I drove by I could see a lovely orangey head and darker underneath. I pulled over and sat in the shade and watched and took the following photos and video. In the video you can hear the younger one calling to the circling adult, who flashes past in the background after about the 12 second mark on the video. The immature was so big I wondered if it wasn't an adult itself, but the photos clearly show how fluffy it is and even though it looked like it was uncomfortable in the nest a few times, for instance when a couple of crows flew overhead, it didn't ever flap its wings to take flight while I was there. I suspected it had food in the nest which it munched away on out of sight. Hope you enjoy the photos and video, especially you Russell!

Black-breasted Buzzard


Enjoy your Bird-watching!


  1. Love to get some non flying shots of these birds only ever seen them on the wing and fairly high! That nest tree looked a bit wobbly!! Keep up the good work! Really enjoying your posts!

    1. Thanks Chris, I am the same apart from this and one other occasion as far as getting them perched. They are magnificent birds. Appreciate your comments, cheers, Richard

  2. Estupendas fotos y video de este nido de Milano de pecho negro.Saludos
