
Sunday 3 June 2012

Varied Lorikeets, Cockatiels and a Paperbark Flycatcher

I stopped late in the afternoon by the side of the Buntine Highway, about 6 kms south west of Camfield Station/River on an asphalted floodway. I was hoping to see finches come down to drink, or whatever came really. I did see some finches, zebra finches, not quite what I had in mind. There were lots of Budgerigars flying around, and Little Corellas up high (making their way to Camfield Station no doubt, saw a flock of hundreds today at the Station, must drive the farmers nuts).
Then I noticed a strange looking bird sitting on one of the exposed branches - a Varied Lorikeet, then another joined the first. In total I saw 5 different ones. To me they look like they have eyes you buy at a craft shop to stick onto felted toys. Strange eyes, but a very pretty bird:

Next were a pair of Cockatiels. Again, lots of these in the area, but only these two came to where I was waiting, male photo is first followed by the female:

Lastly is a Paperbark Flycatcher. This particular one was having an interesting territorial fight with a Willie Wagtail. In the fading light, it was hard to work out who was who. For those of you who know a Willie Wagtail, you'll probably understand my confusion after looking at the photos:

Happy Birding!

1 comment:

  1. A great record and great shots of all the birds but those lorikeets really are quite a ...ummm ... "variation"!
