
Thursday 19 April 2012

Smaller birds from Alice Springs to Ampilatwatja

The smaller birds were out in force over the past few days with a few surprises.

The first surprise came at the Warburton memorial, about 60 kms north of Alice Springs. I could hear the Pardalote, but couldn't get a good look at it, and then suddenly it was there, albeit a little way off and in the shadows of the early morning, but I was wrapt to see it was a Red-browed Pardalote:

Closer to Ampilatwatja, there were some lovely groups of birds, flying around in small flocks, and apart from the Zebra Finches, Diamond Doves and Budgerigars, there were some lovely Crimson Chats:

This Rufous Whistler was being a really annoying bird, singing away loudly and contentedly, but staying inside the cover of a nearby bush. I kept waiting for it to come out and it just wouldn't. A bird flew out of the same tree and I followed it. Alas, it was a Crested Bellbird that flew into a distant tree. And then finally, after 15 minutes of waiting, the Rufous Whistler popped out and went into full song,. I messed up the first few photos because the song was so clear, loud and melodic, but I eventually recovered to take this one:
It was a shame it didn't come with sound as the Whistler really was just beautiful through the still late afternoon air.

Next on the list of small birds is the Zebra Finches. I can't explain what it is about these little birds, they are so numerous, so noisy and yet they have so much character and their sound reminds me of the Monty Python sketch "the ones who say Ni!"In fact the Pitjantjara language name for Zebra Finches is "Ni Ni" (I think, I'll double check that tomorrow and change this if it is the case but I'm fairly sure I remember correctly.
So to the photos for this post:

And finally, the Willie Wagtail. This delightful, chirpy little bird kept me company at my accommodation. The photos are good but only because it was so friendly:

Happy Birding!


  1. lovely series of photos; I hope to see the finches in the wild one day
