
Thursday 29 March 2012

Birds from Lake Nash NT

Am spending a bit of time at Lake Nash for work. Lake Nash, or Alpurrurulam, is situated very close to the border of the NT and Queensland. The birdlife is everywhere and some of the scenes taking place as I drove in to the Community earlier this week and around the lake and river are spectacular. Below is a selection of the photos over the past few days:
Australian Bustard

Australian White Ibis with fish, Torresian Crow looking on

Black Kite - "Come here my pretty!"

Brolga in flight

Brown Falcons playing

Budgerigars in flight

Cockatiels, all the boys together

Crested Pigeon "Austen Powers' Dr Evil"

Diamond Dove

Flock Bronzewing, female on left, male on right


Horsfield's Bushlark

Little Corella, middle one not impressed!

Magpie Lark

Masked Woodswallow (lots of these, flocks of over 100)


Royal Spoonbills, one thinks preening is a bit boring

What the ... Australian White Ibis flying with Royal Spoonbill

Royal and Yellow-billed Spoonbills

Straw-necked Ibis - so that's why they have that name!

Torresian Crow

Wedge-tailed Eagle

 Yellow-billed Spoonbill

Zebra Finches


  1. oh my, how impressive; would love to be there. Looking like a great birding opportunity; wonderful photos I enjoyed each one

  2. Absolutely amazing collection of birds Rich, must have been a buzz!!

    And you call this work!!?? :)

    1. Umm well work kind of gets in the way sometimes! :-)

  3. PS: I have also had a "take two" experience seeing a "pair" of ibis/spoonbill flying overhead.
    'have just clicked on the map link - you are really in the middle of nowhere aren't you? .....
    (read - "nowhere near the Stuart Hwy, damn!")

    1. Yes, 17 kms west of the Qld border. I know exactly how far because when I first went to find the "Lake" which I was assured I couldn't miss, I did, and continued 30 kms into Qld! I;m sure the Stuart Highway will give up more than you can handle when you get there (must remember to buff the car windows with non-birding paste :-)

  4. Wonderful essay of images, Richard. Each one is performing instead of just sitting with a blank look. Love the harrier in that light. Is it a Spotted? Me thinks it is...but I could be wrong.

    1. Ji Russell, I also think it is a Spotted, but then again ... I keep doing this. My main easy identifier of a Swamp is the white strip at the start of the tail. I'm fairly sure it is a Spotted though. And yes, I did choose a selection that told a bit more of a story if possible. Not sure about you but I do take quite a lot of photos to get a sample like this. Thanks for looking.
