
Friday 3 February 2012

A few of the "locals" - birds around Alice Springs

Been a bit quiet on the birding front recently, the family returning home and busily trying to get ready to head out bush in a new job. the new job will take me to some unusual places so I'm hoping to be able to report via this blog of a few different species. But for now, some of the regular birds in town at the moment have provided a few opportunities to get the camera out:

Rainbow Bee-eater:
Not huge in number but generally every place I go around Alice Springs:

early afternoon

late afternoon

Sacred Kingfisher:
these birds seem to be everywhere at the moment, including around the house!

Weebill peek-a-boo game.
There were a few Weebills playing in a tree that was probably only 4 metres high. They are normally at the top of mature gums and much harder to photograph. This photo was taken from the mobile bird hide (car) and it just wouldn't come to the near side of the tree, even though it was displaying inquisitive behaviour. It kept getting between leaves and branches, checking me out, and this was a typical view through the lens:

1 comment:

  1. those little weebils are notoriously hard to capture!
