
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Two Fairies! - Variegated Fairy Wren and Fairy Martin

Saw these two varieties at the Poo Ponds the same day as the Crake and sort of forgot all about them. The Variegated Fairy-wren was twittering away in the bushes as I approached, and surprisingly, kept going when I stopped a few metres from the bush. It then decided to come and have a squiz at the intruder from the safety of the middle of the bush:

The Fairy Martins were lining up on the wires for their group shot:
and there's always one in a crowd who wants to be an individual!


  1. The Variegated Fairy-wren is definitely my favourite!
    How cute and beautiful!
    I also like the kind of halo the back light produces around the bird!
    Your last post also is wonderful!
    Cheers, Richard!

  2. Never had I seen such a beautiful little creature. Thank you for capturing its beauty.
