
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Crimson Chats, Pied Honeyeater, Black Honeyeater at Yulara

There is a walk between the Coach viewing area and the Voyages hotels at Yulara that is well worth the effort for any birdwatchers. I have done this walk before and seen Crimson Chats and was delighted to find them again:


The flora around this place is quite lush and there are lots of wildflowers blooming as well as the grasses seeding. It makes for some more difficult bird-watching if the birds are on the ground, but also makes it more enjoyable because with the flowers and the grasses come the birds.

On the same walk I also saw a Pied Honeyeater. I suspect there were lots of them because of the chatter but this was the only one I saw here:

Yesterday I was on the road to Connellan Airport at Yulara and was delighted to find a Black Honeyeater
The Black Honeyeater is quite a bit smaller than the Pied Honeyeater, and has that black strip on its chest. I also saw White-fronted Honeyeaters for the first time for me, but the light was poor and the photos are not up to my own expectations, although still good enough to identify. Oh well, what the heck, here is my poor attempt at photographing the White-fronted Honeyeater
I've seen a number of other birds around Yulara. Each birding experience here seems to have one thing in common - it starts and ends with Zebra Finches, there are just so many around:

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful shots of the chat and I'd love to see all those honeyeaters.
