
Wednesday 7 September 2011

Canberra Birds 6 - Australian Reed Warbler and New Holland Honeyeater

I thought I'd put these two noisy characters together. The reed warbler was especially pleasing as I could hear the bird singing away and thought there was no chance of a photo. A black-faced cuckoo-shrike was perched in a tree nearby as I approached and I was sure when it flew off the warbler would be spooked. But, this time, things went my way and as I waited near a clearing in the reeds, it popped out right into the spot I was hoping it would:

The New Holland Honeyeaters can be difficult to photograph, not sure why, they tend to be a bit blurry in my experience, but every now and then after 30 or so shots (don't you love digital cameras!) I score a decent one. These birds are quite vocal, and I've often heard them send out a warning call to others:

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