
Wednesday 25 May 2011

Walking home May 24th

Walking home I enjoyed a wildlife experience. It was blustery and I figured the smaller birds would be sheltering from the wind. This little bird, which I think is a juvenile red-capped robin, flew up into a tree just as I was arriving.

Next was a Willie Wagtail, which did a lovely little dance for me on a telegraph pole anchoring line.

Then I came across a dingo and 2 rock wallabies on the north side of the Olive Pink Gardens hill. No animals were harmed, and they all seemed to be just enjoying the late afternoon sun.

These guys really were relaxed. I was probably only about 15 metres from them when I took the photos and they seemed totally unperturbed by my presence. There is a large fence in between though.

On to Olive Pink Gardens and at the gate was this Raven with someone's sandwich for a late afternoon snack while the Magpie watched attentively waiting for some morsels to fall to the ground. The Raven's eye is what caught my eye for the shot, not the food!

 As excited as I had been about my wildlife experience thus far, I had just been thinking it would be nice to see a bird of prey fly low overhead, or, and this was a bit spooky, a white-necked heron as I had been back through the photos and really only had a distant photo of one of these. The crows/ravens alerted me to something happening and the heron unbelievably was the centre of attention. This is quite a young one I think by its markings.

 Just inside Olive Pink Gardens, I disturbed a meeting being held by the local residents. I managed to take this shot before the Yellow-throated Miners dispersed.

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